Online convert to OPUS audio format
Use this tool to convert video and audio files from many different formats to OPUS. You can either select a local file or input a remote file location for conversion. If you are logged in you can opt-in to get notified by email once the conversion is finished.
We support a wide range of audio and video input formats for media conversion including: 3gpp, amr, aiff, asf, adp, afc, ast, avr, avs, swf, flv, avi, Matroksa (mkv, mka), mp2, mp3, mjpeg, mp4, ogg/vorbis, Real Media/Real Audio/Real Video (ra), wav, Windows Media Audio/Video (wma, wmv), h264, h263, QickTime (mov), VP8, VP9, webm, aac, m4a (AAC), ac-3, PCM audio, flac, alac (Apple Lossless Audio Codec), DV-audio, gsm, opus, dv, mpeg, and many more.